Resume Etiquette

Job opportunities are readily available for potential candidates who have the passion and interest for the job. If you are a jobseeker, you have to realize that you are not alone in the search. The competition in the world of employment is tough and stiff. So many preparations have to be made and one of these is preparing your resume.

The first step in seeking for a job is to list your potential employers and work that match your skills and abilities. Once you have made this list, you are ready to present yourself to these companies. The initial means of contact with them is submitting your resume or curriculum vitae along with a cover letter. A resume makes you sell or market yourself to the employer. It contains pertinent information about you being a candidate of a certain job position. The employer initially assesses you and your qualifications through your resume which means that it has to be presentable and professional.

If there is etiquette in the workplace, there is also proper etiquette in creating and preparing a resume. Jobseekers have to be aware of this in order to create an impression and become eyed for the job.

What Makes an Acceptable and Impressive Resume?

In seeking for a job, consider a type of work that is related to your background and education. It is no use submitting a resume to a company that does not even match your expertise. A cover letter along with your resume is an edge over those candidates who do not have one. The letter should only express intent to be a part of the company and should state the ideal position but must not cite all the details that can be found on the resume.

The resume must contain a career objective that is realistic and achievable according to your qualifications. If you are a starter in your career, your goal must be that of establishing a career. If you have had previous employments, maybe a goal of aiming for a higher position will be fine as long as it suits your qualifications.

Information on your education is very important. Apart from school details, any accomplishments must be listed. If you have previous work experience, write it down in your resume. Put the most recent employment on top then down to the previous experiences. Just as you list down school achievements, also include any recognition and awards gained from your previous employment.

Skills and qualities have to be highlighted to catch the attention of the potential employer. But do not make lengthy paragraphs out of it. They look better outlined and in bullet format.

Resume-Making Tips

The pages of your resume must not be stapled as well as the cover letter unless you are instructed to do so. Stapling the papers prevents the employer from arranging the pages side-by-side to view the resume at one time. Moreover, when the document needs to be photocopied or faxed, the staple wire can possibly cause the paper to be torn if not properly removed. If you have a two-page resume, there is no need to attach it with something else. But for a multiple-page resume, a paper clip will do for attaching them.

The ideal paper size for a resume is the short bond or letter size. If it needs to be mailed, make sure to create only a tri-fold, like that of a tri-fold wallet. But if you can place the document in an envelope large enough so it needs not to be folded, that would be better.

Keep the Integrity and Credibility in your Resume

A resume highlights your qualifications for a particular job position in order to impress employers. But remember to keep the integrity and credibility in your resume. This means putting only information that is factual and reliable. For example, if you have a couple of work experiences, indicate them in your resume.

It is not good practice to withhold information just so the employer will not think that you have no sense of commitment in your work. It is also not good practice to specify any recognition if there never was any just for the sake of impressing the employer. The resume does not completely speak for your qualifications. When given the chance to be interviewed, you can impress them even more.

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